Belmont Community Day Care Center

By: Alexandra Batista

The Belmont Community Day Care Center has been servicing the Belmont community for over forty years. Located in Community District Board #6, it has become one of the most racially and ethnically diverse districts in the Bronx. The day care center strives to create and facilitate excellence in the life and experience of the young children and families they service. They have done an excellent job of establishing a cultural and safe educational environment for all the children by partnering with The Healthy Beverage Zone. Since partnering with HBZ, the staff has cut down on drinks, implementing more infused water by all main doors and water fountain stations throughout the day. The importance is trying to make it as fun for the young children and families as much as possible so they will want to continue to promote a healthy lifestyle outside of the day care center.  They continue to strive to support healthy beverages by not having vending machines in the building to increase the temptation of sugary drinks. The day care center also believes that it is just as important to promote the health of the children and families they are serving just as much as their own staff and employees. As a result, they are facilitating a healthy beverage zone workshop for all of the staff and parents this September of 2018! A word of advice from the Belmont Community Day Care Center to encourage other organizations like theirs, is to be consistent and informative. The care center also emphasized the importance of staff supporting each other in maintaining a healthier lifestyle since they are the role models for the children and families they work with on a daily basis. The Belmont Community believes it takes a village to raise a child, and it all starts with the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.


Contact Info:

Interviewer contact: Danielle Adornetto, [email protected]


